Why do we weigh things with load cells?

For most of us our first introduction to scales and weighing things happens in the bathroom with the standard bathroom scales. We stand on the platform and either mechanically or digitally our weight is displayed. Weighing things soon becomes an everyday part of our lives weather through cooking & baking, checking our luggage in at airports or feeling the "quality" of a nice wristwatch.

Weighing more important

Measurement and in particular weighing becomes even more important when we look at any business or organization that produces, distributes or services physical objects. Initially we can use weight and its measurement as a quantity which in turn shows the value or size of what is being sold, created or fabricated. Selling by quantity has been around since before currency and it is a legal requirement in most countries to display how much of something is in something on packaging. From small tins of beans to pallets of salt, the huge range of measurement is unlimited.

Industrial weighing

As businesses and technology increases so do our abilities to measure and weigh things. The faster and more accurately we can measure something usually translates to the bottom line and increases our profitability.

The first load cells appeared in industrial scales to help take measurements of all different masses more safely, accurately and quickly. While primarily these were strain gauge load cells, other variations were used and a whole host of digital contraptions and setups spread across the globe to help industry measure and process things more rapidly and more profitably.

The traditional load cell issue

A problem with these traditional load cells is in how they actually work and operate. Basically a force (the weight) is applied to the cell and it is strained - this strain can then be translated into a measurement of weight. It is the contact and strain nature of a load cell which while providing a solution also continually affects the device itself. Shocks, vibrations, time, environment and weights unsuitable for the load cell all contribute to its reducing lifespan as soon as a strain gage load cell is brought into operation.

The benefit of the digital capacitive load cell

A digital capacitive load cell however has an altogether different approach, instead of measuring the strain in the load cell body, it measures a distance change in the load cell by measuring a change in capacitance. The benefit of this means that the device is much more hard wearing and resistant to shocks and the environment such as water, corrosive atmospheres etc. In addition the capacitance measurement can be directly transmitted on a single wire cable and converted into a measurement relevant for the application.

The quicker and less time required installing the load cells translates as increased profitability and efficiency for the customer. If everything needs to be weighed and recorded, then the faster and more accurately this can be done with little or no maintenance stopping the production line can only be a good thing.

Fast and efficient weighing

So the question "Why Do We Weigh Things With Load Cells" can be answered simply, we use them because they are a fast, efficient way of quantifying objects and materials. Using a digital non-contact load cell further increases this speed and efficiency and reduces down-time to a minimum. For more information on digital load cells visit our site at www.eilersen.com



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